The concept involves two sides to the business. the first is selling product at a given commission.
The second is recruiting agents as part of your own team. While these agents have their own business, you will also receive an additional commission based on their turnover. The Network marketing model has worked very well for decades although there have been some spectacular failures. Even long established businesses such as Betterware and Kleeneeze have suffered due to technological changes.
Network Marketing Online
Businesses that don't keep up with the change in trends get left behind. Companies such as Younique, Forever Living and Oriflame provide websites for their consultants so that they can operate digitally too.As a Network marketer building a blog together with your main corporate site means that you will have an additional online asset to help build traffic and close those sales. it also means that you can build and grow your recruitment seperately. Both selling and recruiting has become so much easier with the internet.
There are some network marketers that sell for different companies. Some will market dog food and weight loss products from two completely different companies but because they operate online, the sales are seamless and earning is much easier.
30 ways in 30 days
Signing up to 30 days in 30 ways will guide you through marketing your network marketing products online. If you havent considered network marketing the guide will help you to establish whether this kind of marketing is for you. For Network marketers that are already established but are looking for ways to harness the internet to earn more, the guide is ideal.
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